For this post, I want to share the beauty - the beauty of attractions located in the district of Sambas especially Temajuk Coast, which is located in District Paloh. Look like what Temajuk Coast's beauty? let the lyrics below:
Quiet River estuary.
Temajuk village is a village located in the District Paloh which according to the official website of "Public Relations & Sandi PDE Sambas District Secretariat" states that the District is a district Paloh beaches located in the district of Sambas and is located on the border with the State of East Malaysia (Sarawak) with a total area of 1697.30 Ha ±, with limits as follows:
* Northern District bordering the South China Sea
* Southern District bordering Galing
* Eastern District adjacent to the Great & Sarawak Sajingan
* Next to the border with the West Natuna Sea
Before Entering Temajuk Coast, before it would Visitor entering, are colored white gate which the gate is a sign that the visitor will enter Temajuk Coast.
Temajuk coast About 120 miles from the town of Sambas, which is the coastal area directly adjacent to the Natuna Sea and East Malaysia.
Temajuk beach Temajuk contained in this village has some very interesting natural beauty to visitors, tourists, uniqueness and its beauty is fascinating for those who visit this beach.
The uniqueness of this beach, is when the Sea receded leaving a vast expanse of sand with a width of about 100-150 meters. But when entering the month of October to February the wind is quite strong and high waves at this beach can reach 2 feet or more. This is the time to do sports or sky diving for those who like to surf and be adept at the sport.
Temajuk beach
If visitors want a different atmosphere of the beach, on the north end of the beach there are beach with a group of stones of various sizes that form a beautiful formation. Some of them are unique in shape with a large enough size. Plus the clear water beach between the rocks. Suitable for swimming, while the feet tread the floor safe sandy beaches that include categories of underwater attractions and beaches of white sand.
The rock formation Form
In addition to its rich with beauty beaches, Temajuk Coast is also rich in sea turtles - turtles that lay their eggs on this coast. Turtles - turtles are not only found on the beach but there are also Temajuk Island Selimpai. Regarding Selimpai Island will be discussed at his next posting.
Children newly hatched turtles
Temajuk the village would Visitor can also visit a pier, the pier Temajuk, Which is a very long pier jutting into the sea.
Dock Temajuk
Saves a lot of beach Temajuk its natural beauty, can be an alternative for readers to visit the place - a beautiful place which is available in our beloved country. In addition to its beaches and rocks that make up the various formations, sea turtle species can also be seen here. below some rocks on the beach beautiful pictures that ane temajuk get from various sources.
Attractions: Cape Coast is one of the rainy beach resort which is currently under development and awaiting the touch of the investors in tourism. On this beach tourists and domestic tourists can witness the wonders of nature while enjoying the natural beauty at sunrise and sunset. Cover the wet beach headland that has an area of about 44.7 hectares, is one alternative for tourists to visit the coastal headlands of the rainy, track to the headland to the beach can be rainy by road by taking the 1.1 / 2 hours or about 16 km journey from Pangkalan Bun, Kotawaringin West, Central Kalimantan.
Tourists travel destination for a fun watch the sunrise or sunset. One of them is Swarangan Coast. This beach has waves large enough so that it is perfect for people who like to surf.
Sports activities that can be done on this beach, the swimming, fishing, and surfing. Or a simple activity that is relaxing sunbathing on the beach while enjoying coastal scenery.
In addition to the beach panorama, you can also clear up our eyes to see the plant mangrove trees that are still colored or melihatsarana stage entertainment, and public toilets.
Sea water clarity is a tasty main attraction of tourists visiting the area. Where the place visited by the local and foreign tourists at the time of day vacation.
Swarangan beach is located in the Village Swarangan, District Jorong. Can be reached via ground transportation with less mileage lebih52 km from the capital of the Land of the Sea, or about 117 km from the South Kalimantan capital of Banjarmasin.
Unfortunately the beauty of this beach should be stained with extortion of people who are not responsible for the entry charge for everything, I also had been a victim of there with 2 times pay an entrance fee, so be careful for those of you who want to visit there, which must consider the officer and where the thugs ... hehehe, if not like to pay in. 2 times. If I notice there's no government effort to manage this attraction, it is still seen by the still chaotic arrangement of the means of support, especially during the holidays a lot of impromptu stalls and bathrooms that can come about without looking at its layout, so it can be disturbing scene.
BEAUTIFUL: a gently sloping white sand and towering pine trees became an attraction for tourists to visit the beach Selimpai, Paloh.
* Beautiful Cover Selimpai Beach, Turtle Eggs Boil Ease pine lined up neatly. More so by the impression of green grass that extend ankle on sandy land. Although the sun directly overhead, the atmosphere is still cool. Occasional sound waves break up the beach and blends with the chirp of birds that shouted, adding to the atmosphere of peace. SO Selimpai beach portraits, Paloh, Sambas district. Clean sand is not inferior to Kuta Beach, Bali. When the Province adjacent to the paradise island of Java is building along its shores lined villas, hotels and restaurants, it is very pronounced in Selimpai naturalness. As an island, separated from the mainland Selimpai Sambas regency. Southern side up to the western border with the Natuna Sea, while on its northern side extends to the east surrounded by the River Merabau. So all those who come over here, will find a variety of scenery; there is a pine forest, beach, sea and river. From a distance looks Tanjung Datu, which is the region bordering Malaysia.
Selimpai elongated shape of the island. Between the lines on the lip of the river and the sea is only as wide as a football field. When we stood beside the river, it would seem that the Natuna Sea waves chasing each other. The wind was blowing. The most high-toned waves reaching three to four feet.
The presence of pine forest on the land selimpai make mini island atmosphere is different from other beaches in the district of Sambas. Woody trees that towered the neatly lined up as if someone had deliberately set it in such a way. "It's all natural growth," the story of the coast guard.
Besides experience, the main attraction for Selimpai is, a haven of sea turtles. After a sightseeing tour from island to island, continent to continent, in a year at least five times this protected rare animals come to the island people bunian to spawn.
Based on the Task Force notes Selimpai Coast - from groups of tourism awareness (pokdarwis) Paloh, there are four species of sea turtles that come to this beach. Among them are the green turtle, hawksbill turtle, turtle cracked. While leatherbacks occasionally stop by. Currently in the world there are seven species of sea turtles, six of them exist in Indonesaia. Namely hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate), cracked turtle (Lepidochelys olivaceae), leatherbacks (Dermocelys coriaceae), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead turtle (Caretta carretta), and turtle flat (Natator depresus). For the type of turtle Lepidochelys Kempi life at sea in the Atlantic, particularly the American and Mexican coast.
Among the types of turtles that drop into the Selimpai, hawksbill the most eggs. Every time the ride to the beach, the eggs are removed as many as 65-125 eggs. While the other only the range of tens of grains. Even the little green turtle eggs is a maximum of only nine. "But, eggs (green turtles) as large as a duck egg," said Trino Junaidi, Chairman of the Task Force Coast Pokdarwis Paloh, while talking to this newspaper in Selimpai, last week.
Animals that fall into the category of endangered species, up to the beach to lay eggs at night. Therefore, if visitors do not stay overnight in Selimpai, do not dream to meet a turtle. So that visitors can see turtles, pokdarwis initiative to build on Selimpai breeding. So therefore, every guest who comes to see where the name hatchlings (baby turtles), green turtle, hawksbill, and fission.
The newspaper reporter had traveled at night browse Selimpai Coast. Travel is initiated from the Straits to Cape Mutusan Myrtle. Along the way it does look a fairly large turtle up the beach to lay eggs. Diameter of the shell (body cover) to over one meter in length. After laying eggs that usually reaches 100 points, the turtles back into the sea. Become an unforgettable experience to see the giant turtles rise to the shore and lay their eggs. (Nut)
>> Address / Location: Village Sebubus, District Paloh
>> Area: 200 ha
Ownership >> Status: State Land
Manager >> Name: Civic KSDA
Distance from City Center >> / Travel Time: 7 km from the capital district Paloh or 80 miles from the center of the capital district of Sambas
Condition Object >> Path to Travel: asphalt road to the hamlet Setinggak then by motor boat to the beach Selimpai
Used to >> Transportation / Cost: Using 2 or 4 wheel vehicle to the Hamlet Setinggak, then crossed the Paloh by motor boat for 20 minutes to the beach Selimpai.
Admission >> Price: no charge. (Mursalin / Pontianak Post)
The beach is a favorite vacation spot of all ages, both for children and adults. One of the famous beaches in South Kalimantan isfrequented by Takisung.
Last day of school on holiday last weekend, filled with thousands of visitors Takisung Coast. People from various cities in South Kalimantan to exploit the end of the school holidays to entertain the children that the next day to return to school.
Takisung coast, is actually the name of a village located in the District Land District Takisung Sea.
Usually crowded on holidays the citizens of South Kalimantan, both of Banjarmasin, Banjarbaru, and quite a distance Pelaihari can be reached using either two wheels or four wheels.
Sunset on the beach takisung.
Takisung beach is a tourist beach with stunning views of the beach with the activity of buying and selling fresh fish and dried fish directly from fishermen.
Takisung beach is located in District Takisung the district west of Sea Land. Is approximately 22 km from the city Pelaihari or approximately 87 miles from the South Kalimantan capital of Banjarmasin. Although the Coast Takisung is the Java Sea, but the waves were not huge like the south coast of Java. Making it safe for a tourist and residential areas.
As a tourist attraction, can be classified Takisung Coast beaches are enchanting sights with a view of the beach surrounded by palm trees with brown sand like sea water (for identification of the water, which is obtained from observations belonging to 9 pH alkaline water with a temperature of 250C and water flow rate of 1927 rpm, while the brightness level of the water by 32 cm), accompanied by a lot of markets that sell typical beach snacks, ranging from the fish sauce, garnish clams, shrimp, fish, until the reefs directly from fishermen. Plus the District Land Sea continues to polish this attraction through the construction of a number of public facilities not owned by other coastal attractions. Among them, selter, a permanent stage, a restaurant (not operated), and lodging.
Umm... there is one airport in the area. The closest airport is Sjamsudin Noor Airport with a distance of 40.1 mi (or 64.5 km) south of the centre of Takisung.
Although the Coast Takisung is the Java Sea, but the waves were not huge like the south coast of Java. Making it safe for a tourist andresidential areas.
Pretty rocks around the coast.
Takisung beaches, the famous beaches in South Kalimantan, the distance from the city Pelaihari only about 22 Km. Serving beach beauty, uniqueness, and diversity of the beach. Here you can watch the sunset is also a beacon light during the afternoon. But in this article I will not review on this coast (fear kesaing kale, advised amateur, he). But will review the way to the beauty of this beach.
Takisung to the beach to get through two pathways, namely the route through the city Pelaihari and pathways that pass through the island of Sari. Well this time I want to share the beauty of the island via the Sari. If the path through Pelaihari, already used to anyway.Pathway is located in the district of Sari Island Mine Birthday (after the Bati-Bati district, from Banjarmasin about 2 hours drive). Right side of the road in the village of Sari island you can see the signpost pointing to Kurau area, turn immediately wrote my friend went in the guide is, hehe ...
Well first of all be my friend passes the Bingkulu. This area is covered by desert shrubs and community gardens. A vast expanse of bush and rolling hills are very indulgent eye
Besides enjoying the beaches and streets in the market, tourists canswim or play water.
Well for those who need a tire or buoy pool, do not worry because with affordable price travelers can rent a tire, so do not bother to bring from home.
On the beach, lots of options that can be done, swim in sea water oruse a rubber boat being rented for Rp 10 thousand to Rp 25 thousand per piece. Other options hire kelotok (motorized boat) out to sea to see the coral reef or a rock called alias bajanggut old reefovergrown with moss.
For children, looking for seashells on the sand beach as well be its own preoccupations. Shellfish is usually already dead and left homeor kerongkong, but sometimes there are shells that are still living with various forms of housing.
Around the coast are many markets that sell typical beach snacks, ranging from the fish sauce, garnish clams, shrimp, fish, until thereefs directly from fishermen.
Plus the District Land Sea continues mempoles attraction throughthe construction of a number of public facilities not owned by othercoastal attractions. Among them, the cottage, a permanent stage, restaurants, and lodging.
A little about Banjarmasin
Banjarmasin city is one of the city and is the capital of the province of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The town is pretty solid this is onebig cities in Indonesia, although the extent of the smallest in Kalimantan, which is smaller than the area of West Jakarta. The town is nicknamed the city of a thousand river delta is a city or townfor the islands consist of at least 25 pieces of small islands (delta)that are part of the city separated by the rivers of which the island of Tatas, the island Kelayan, Roving Rantauan island, the island ofInsan and others. From ancient times until now Banjarmasin still a commercial city and port of the most important harbor on the island of Borneo. The port city of Banjarmasin Trisakti which is located 12.5 miles from the mouth of the river Barito. In the Java language, meaning the park Banjarmasin salt,while the history of West Java recorded the name comes from a family Banjarmasin Mahasin Royal palace in Singapore who fled to the area because of attacks Banjar kingdom of Srivijaya and thenstand Banjar Mahasin, but the original name Banjarmasin is the Banjar-Masih.
Recreation everywhere including the beach, not to be missed is to capture the moment. We can take pictures with background beach or a suitable place for recreation we recorded as documentation.
Nunukan Sebatik Island at the northern end of Nunukan regency, East Kalimantan, presenting the beautiful natural scenery such as Batu Beach Lamampu. Facing directly into the Ambalat, Sebatik a myriad of stories about the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia.
This beach's name comes from the significant Tidung language, Timbul Batu.
With a long coast line, soft sand and beautiful beach view, this place become one of favourite places for Sebatik, Nunukan and Tawau people. There is a coral reef that according to the testimonial of the villagers, it will never sunk by high tide.
Sebatik Island is separated from Nunukan Island by a narrow strait. Administrative territory of this island is divided into two section. The southern part belong to Indonesia, and the northern to the Malaysian State of Sabah.
How To Get There (beach accommodations) :
From other airport in Indonesia regions :
depart to Sepinggan Airport - Balikpapan.
From Balikpapan to Nunukan via Tarakan:
Option 01:
By Air : Balikpapan-Tarakan-Nunukan.
Option 02:
From Balikpapan to Juwata Airport - Tarakan.
From Juwata Airport to Tarakan Harbour by taxi.
From Tarakan Harbour to Nunukan Harbour by speed boat.
From Nunukan to Sebatik:
by longboat from Yamaker (Nunukan area) to Bambangan (sebatik)
From Bambangan you can start to explore Batu Lamampu and other area, like Aji Kuning the borderland village, Sungai Lappeo waterfall, and Bukit Menangis.
Visiting Batu Lamampu and Sebatik could be a fascinating adventure. So please forget about Kuta for a moment, its too crowded, too famous.. too much! Sebatik - The Beautiful Virgin - is waiting for you, go get your gears and go!
Kubu is one of the districts of West Kotawaringin district.
Is the capital of West Kotawaringin Pangkalan Bun.
Kubu is an area on the coast overlooking the Java sea.
So this is the fishing camp. The distance is approximately 1/2-1 hour from the town of Pangkalanbun can be reached by road either view the two-wheeled or four-wheel drive.
The sandy beach of Kubu itself is brownish white, but the influence of sea water is brown from the peat forests. The beach itself is suitable for ramps to be playing with the water at the beach.
At the beach Kubu is also provided a place of location overhanging the sea, so if we were somewhere at the end of the the cottage and we can feel the sea breeze and sea breeze direct the wind, and we can also fishing for sea-fish.
The beach itself is still not very well maintained, there are only a few huts for the seat while feeling the young coconut. The beach is dirty and needs to care enough for Kubu become a real idol tourist destinations in Central Kalimantan.
In addition we can also see the activities of fishermen who are looking for fish, especially in the morning before noon.
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