Monday, 27 February 2012

5# Batakan Beach

The Batakan beach is located in the Village Batakan, Panyipatan District, District Tanah Laut (Tala), about 125 kilometers east of the city of Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan Provincial Capital). To reach the location Batakan Coast, from the city of Banjarmasin is relatively easy because the road conditions are good enough. Although the road and down a winding-up, but it presents a beautiful natural scenery in the form of rows of verdant hills, the yellow expanse of rice fields, as well as the fishing village located on the waterfront.

Batakan beach is a tourist attraction with an integrated marine mountain nature panorama, because on the east side there is a pine hills that are part of Meratus Mountains. In this beach visitors can surround the beach while using a rented horse, relax under the pine trees while enjoying the beauty of the beach, or watching the panorama of nature, especially when the sun will set (sunset). In addition to day trips around the coast, visitors can also visit the island of Datu that is located not far in front of the beach Batakan. In this island there is a tourist attraction is the tomb of Datu Pamulutan religious, a scholar who was considered the guardian of God.

For the record, just like other recreational venues in Indonesia, Côte Batakan also be furnished with the typical recreational facilities, such as the bathroom to rinse, houses of worship (mosques), stage entertainment, cottages, restourant, lodging, playground, parking lot until motor vehicle that is wide enough.

More About Datu Pamulutan. :D

Island Datu (Datu Pamulutan Island) is a small island near the coast there Batakan, Panyipatan district, Sea Land, Kalsel. Datu island named because the island lies the tomb of a datu (arrangements / disseminator of Islam), known as the Datu Pamulutan, who first got arrested favorite birds with sticky rice (rubber).

Datu island located 7 miles north of the South Cape.

More About Tanjung Cape :

South or Tanjung Cape of Silat is a promontory which is the southern tip of Borneo island, which is administratively including the district of Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Long ago the waters between the South Cape to Kutai, East Kalimantan is the pirate-prone waters. Research catches in the waters of the South Cape and other places in the summer southeasterly winds show more stout than the gain of the catch southwest monsoons.

More about Meratus. :D

Meratus is a mountain in South Kalimantan, which stretches from south of the district Land Sea to the north near the border of East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. Throughout the mountains there are many rubber plantations.
And about Mountain of Meratus Mystery. 

In Borneo there is a long mountain that stretches from the west to the eastern part of the island. Mountain is not too high, but we can imagine the breadth and length for extending through the three Provinces of South and Central Kalimantan and East. Mountain that grows along the lining is called the Mount Meratus.

NO there is definitely a clear picture of how long and much of the mountain. As for which is described as largely expected only speculative uncertain - both about the number and size of the length of the mountain. The book "In Inner Borneo" by AW Nieuwenhuis in 1894 was not even mentioned it.

Known, A.W. Nieuwenhuis Dutch citizen who is also a medical doctor as ethnographers and anthropologists, supported by Maatschappij ter Bevondering Het Van der Nederlandsche Natuurkundig Onderzoek Kolonien (Association to advance research in the Dutch colony) - formed three teams of scientists mapping, extracting resources of nature, research on rural population, as well as the flora and fauna. The team traveled from West Kalimantan with Kapoeas along the Mahakam River to the head and ends up to Samarinda, East Kalimantan. This expedition was no explanation of the extent and length of Mount Meratus. Though they had started the journey from West Kalimantan Kapoeas Pontianak.

Trip, but was supported by the Maatschappij van het Natuurkundig Bevodering Onderzoe der Nederlansche Kolonien, also backed up by Resident Water Afdeeling van Pontianak Borneo based in West Kalimantan. This was driven by the many interests of other countries that sent delegates to the island of Borneo to do research as well as trying to perform the occupation. Just as in the 18th century, when England and Holland to violence and intimidation to the inhabitants in the islands of Borneo. Among them, the adventures of Alexander Hare in Banjarmasin in 1812, Robert Burns and James Brooke in Sarawak in 1848 that seeks to establish a kingdom for himself, James Erskine Murray entered the Englishman, Kutai in 1844 that led to war with the army have been killed since the kingdom of Kutai, then Dalton 1825 and 1828 Muller who roamed Borneo on behalf of the Dutch State.

Zei was an officer of the army of Napoleon I, named George Muller, entered in the Municipal Dutch East Indies. Muller got the task of making contact with the Sultan Sultan on the coast of Borneo in 1825. Muller set out with troops made up of people of Java. Its primary mission, if the Sultan Sultan that he came out of line, the Sultanate will be fought and destroyed as to be occupied.

However, do not let the Kutai Kingdom of the threatening situation. As a result, the battle that destroyed George Muller troops scattered and ran into the forest. Noted, Javanese soldiers who survived achieve the western part of Borneo was only one person, being nasip Muller himself and the rest of the troops is not yet known.

Any word, George Muller with his followers were killed in the Kapuas around November 1825, precisely in the river Bungan. But, the story is only a vague estimate of the truth. To be sure, Muller has so far never been found.

There is also another story about the escape Muller pursued soldiers Kutai Sultanate. It is said, because lost Muller ran up to Mount Meratus and disappeared there. He said Muller is protected by the royal troops in the mountains were magical Meratus it.

The story of Mount Meratus also expressed by the older residents of South Kalimantan Hill Tribe Called Amung Tahe. The man who has lived in the hamlet of hereditary Rangit - foot mountain Meratus his life experiences, when venturing to explore Mount Meratus. Rangit hamlet itself is a village that can be taken from inland Paser District. But it is not known for sure, this village included in the district or districts where. But within the map area includes the area of South Kalimantan Province.

For masarakat Hill Tribe itself, they do not understand about the village where he lived is included in the area of South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, or anyway. For them it was not a problem. Clearly they could have been there everywhere. For them, the forest is home and their lives.

In general, the hill tribes living in the wilds around both sides of Mount Meratus. It is said Amung Tahe, the mountain there are one hundred mountains. But who can count the mountain there is only ninety-nine. So which one is the parent and the mountain peaks that rarely can be seen by naked eye.

From the foothills toward the top of the rise and seventeen seventeen-story fall. According Amung Tahe, the highest peak is a residence of Maharaja Meratus can not be seen or unseen. Except if required by the Maharaja.

That said, at the top of the mountain is a plateau that is wide enough. On this plateau there is a court building where the Maharaja is residing. Mount Meratus magical kingdom is not only itself, but there is another small kingdoms diseputarnya, which is also called the kingdom of magical people (bunian).

In this mountainous region is very rich in forest and nature. Once there was a person, when walking in creeks that are in there and found a diamond stone chunks of gold on the stone wall at the edge of the river mussels.

People magic of the mountains Meratus often comes down to different cities, both in South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. Most of them disguised as tribal hill people to trade sandalwood and bringing good quality amethyst chunks and yakut is still raw. These goods they sell or barter with tobacco, salt, perfume oils, grains and even beads and pearls.

Tahe Amung also told, that the deceased father who often venturing into mountain areas Meratus, claimed to have met with huge reddish-brown-haired man dressed like a western (Dutch tempo doeloe_Red) escorted by several men in uniform. But when followed by the men suddenly disappear is not known where.

According to the story of people living in these areas along Meratus they too often see people dressed in old days the Dutch with a few people walking along in full uniform with rifles and swords. However, if pursued, then what they saw it simply vanished.

That said, from the face and clothing and there are signs that the people on this Dutch-character traits similar to the missing Captain George Muller's course rimbanya. If true, it is seen George Muller, of course, has become invisible. Some say that his spirit was still wondering and wandering along the mountain Meratus since been killed. Can also he was killed because people were slaughtered by the wild in the interior of which was still primitive.

But clearly, what happened along the Mount Meratus, is still full of mystery. (Out)

Monday, 6 February 2012

4# Pagatan Beach

Pagatan Beach. What is Pagatan Beach?
I think you don’t know about pagatan beach If you come or not come from Indonesia and if you are an Indonesian, you are not come from Borneo. Do you understand my sentence?

Okay. First, I will tell you about Pagatan. Pagatan city (toponyms: Pagattan / Pegattan) is a village located in the Lower District Kusan, Seasonings Land District, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.
Pagatan have many small vilage like Baru Gelang • Batarang • Batuah • Beringin • Betung • Gusunge • Juku Eja • Kampung Baru • Manurung • Mekar Jaya • Muara Pagatan • Muara Pagatan Tengah • Mudalang • Pagaruyung • Pakatelu • Pasar Baru • Pejala • Penyolongan • Pulau Salak • Pulau Satu • Pulau Tanjung • Rantau Panjang Hilir • Rantau Panjang Hulu • Salimuran • Saring Sungai Binjai • Saring Sungai Bubu • Satiung • Serdangan • Sungai Lembu • Tanete • UPT. Karya Bhakti • Wiritasi.
Too many right? :D

How it can called with Pagatan?
Do you want to know about it?
First, you have to prepare some snack. :D
Read it carefully.

It started with a kingdom which called with Pagatan.
Pagatan kingdom (1775-1908) [1] is one of the empire that once stood in the area of land or watershed Kusan Kusan, now the district is included in the Land of Spices, South Kalimantan. Land areas adjacent to the kingdom Kusan Land of Spices (consisting of the countries: Slippery Rock, Cantung, Buntar Sea, Bangkalaan, Tjingal, Manunggul, Sampanahan).

Ruler of the Kingdom of Pagatan called Whitewater (not Sultan), the Dutch call it de Aroeng van Pagattan [2]. Pagatan settlement founded by Puana Dekke (La Dekke), an immigrant Bugis courtesy Sunan or Panembahan Batuah Nata Nature of the Dynasty Tamjidullah I. Pagatan country then become allied Sunan Nata Nature to eliminate his political rivals, namely Sultan Amir bin Sultan Muhammadillah (descendants of the Yellow Emperor) who claim the throne with the support of the Sultanate of Banjar Turawe Whitewater (Gusti Kasim) and his army-Paser Bugis. Amir Sultan drove the success of the Land Kusan, La Pangewa / Pangewa Hasan, leader Pagatan Bugis, Banjar Sultan inaugurated as the first king Pagatan around the year 1784.

The kingdom was originally a part of the Sultanate of Banjar subsequently become subordinate to the Dutch East Indies, as submitted to the Dutch East Indies government in the Treaty of Diamond Reef. According to the 1898 Staatblaad no. 178, the empire was a "leenplichtige landschappen" in Sand Afdeeling en de Land Boemboe.
A. At a Glance

In South Kalimantan province, there is one district whose name is quite unique, which is the official Spice Land District was founded in 2003 based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2003. Land called the spice, as in ancient times this area is known as one of the production centers of nutmeg and spices in Indonesia. It is said that time was the center around Batulicin and Pagatan. Today, districts are exactly located at the southeastern tip of Borneo island is famous for the mining, especially coal.

However, there is an association in fact more so when people call the Land of Spices, which is an exotic tourist beach in the district due to the expansion of this Kotabaru District has a coastline of about 200 kilometers. In general, beaches in the District Land Seasonings are in the administrative district Lower Dull. Pagatan coast, Cape Coast evening, Salak Island Beach, and Coastal Natural Love are among the famous natural attractions in the district.

So, for those who visit the District Land Seasonings, never hurts when taking the time to enjoy the panoramic beauty of its beaches. One is an excursion to the beach Pagatan popular with the white sand.
B. Feature

Visiting the Coast Pagatan somewhat special, because it has a panoramic sea beach blue sky too blue background, a relatively small waves, palm trees waving, and the sea breeze blowing breeze. Picnic with family or colleagues here would be even more exciting again.

White sand beaches stretching from west to east about 1.5 miles, and breadth of up to 1.5 hectares, giving enough space to tourists to do various activities. Create a sculpture of sand, sun, down the beach, and sports (beach soccer and beach volleyball), are among the activities that can be done by tourists on this beach.

Meanwhile, waves of the sea is relatively small and is supported by the seawater is crystal clear and clean, very supportive of tourists who want to swim or just playing chase with the waves on the beach. Fishing is the other interesting activities that tourists can do here, because the area around the beach Pagatan known as one of the marine fish production centers for the District Land Seasonings.

In the afternoon, the exotic beach Pagatan increasingly felt. Seconds ahead of the sunset (sunset) on the opposite horizon is one of those special moments that can be enjoyed by tourists here. Moment can be perceived by the tourists while relaxing on the beach, shelter, shelter, or from the tourist huts.

When tired of being on the coast, travelers can visit the fishing village located not too far from shore. Besides watching the daily life of fishermen, travelers can also see the fish grown in ponds, pools, and cages. There are also sold fish crackers (amplang) as presents for family or colleagues.

As for you who want to see a typical ritual descent Bugis fishermen around Pagatan Coast region, there came the last two weeks of April. Famous beach party with a rite Mappanretasi / Mappanretase (Sea Offering Ceremony) is an expression of gratitude Pagatan Coast fishermen to the Almighty for an abundance of seafood and also ask for protection at sea. The highlight is also known as â € œPesta Lautâ €? This is melarungkan offerings that have been charmed to sea or belarung food. Typically, this ritual is also enlivened by the attractions of music and traditional dances from the local area.
C. Location

Administratively, the Coast Pagatan Pagatan included in the Village area, District Lower Dull, Spice Land District, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.
D. Access

Batulicin city, the capital of the Land Seasonings, located east of the city of Banjarmasin, the capital of South Kalimantan Province. Barjamasin-Batulicin distance about 315 kilometers and takes about 10 hours by bus. While the distance-Batulicin City Beach Pagatan about 38 kilometers which can be accessed tourists about 1 hour by bus. Location of beach Pagatan on the edge of the highway-Batulicin Banjarmasin facilitate tourists to the country.
E. Ticket prices

Still in the confirmation process.
F. Accommodation and Other Facilities

In the market there Batakan beach, shops and stalls that provide various needs of tourists, such as food, beverages, reload, and fishing supplies.

For tourists who want to stay, can rent a guesthouse, hotel, and home stay located in the area around this beach. Also available in the region are extensive camping ground and safe, so it can be used by tourists who want to camp.

Various other facilities, such as rooms, cottage, shelter, shelter, coast guard, as well as rental boats and trains cattle, are also available here.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

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Friday, 3 February 2012

#3 Gedambaan Beach

A. At a Glance
Gedambaan offers beautiful beaches that can provide spiritual satisfaction to the visitors. In addition to the white sand beaches sparkling sunlight, the landscape will also hypnotize the visitors to stand for long on this coast. From this beach, visitors can watch the sunrise and sunset with a panoramic view of the sparkling sea. With such beauty, the beach is a beach (Ge) dream and anyone who will ever visit.On a Sunday or holiday season, thousands of visitors both from South Kalimantan, Borneo itself or from outside the tourist sites will overwhelm this. On days off hundreds if not thousands of good public transportation vehicles or private vehicles will pack this beach area.To maintain the cleanliness of these places, every week the local district government employees deployed in turns to take action to clean up. In addition, support facilities such as rest areas, a large aquarium, fruit and flower gardens, a thousand shadows mirror, mini circuits, space physics spacecraft, mini recording studio and the camping ground will soon be held.Stations will also be built which will be filled game where bowling and some other sports facilities.

B. Feature
Gedambaan beach is a bit of beach in Indonesia still has a mangrove forest. This mangrove forest is a habitat where several species of fauna, such as: birds, fireflies and bees.Another specialty of the Coast Gedambaan is its location on the foothills of the North Island are still green and is also adjacent to several other attractions, such as swimming pools and hot water bathing Sigam. In other words, if the visitor has been content to enjoy the beauty of the beach Gedambaan, it can easily visit other attractions.

C. Location
Gedambaan beach is located about 14 km from the city Kotabaru, or rather in the Village Gedambaan, District of North Sea Island, District Kotabaru.

D. Access
To achieve Gedambaan beach, visitors can use public transport such as buses and minibuses.If visitors plan to visit some other attractions, it's good to be more comfortable using a personal vehicle.

E. Ticket
In the process of confirmation

F. Accommodation and Facilities
In addition to a pretty good transportation facilities, beach cottage also has Gedambaan (inn), praying, fishing pond, food stalls, and seating along the coast. In this coastal area is also provided parking space making it easier for visitors to park the vehicle safely. For visitors who want to stay around the beach, the cottage can be rented for between 100,000 - Rp125.000 per night / fruit.