* Beautiful Cover Selimpai Beach, Turtle Eggs Boil Ease pine lined up neatly. More so by the impression of green grass that extend ankle on sandy land. Although the sun directly overhead, the atmosphere is still cool. Occasional sound waves break up the beach and blends with the chirp of birds that shouted, adding to the atmosphere of peace. SO Selimpai beach portraits, Paloh, Sambas district. Clean sand is not inferior to Kuta Beach, Bali. When the Province adjacent to the paradise island of Java is building along its shores lined villas, hotels and restaurants, it is very pronounced in Selimpai naturalness. As an island, separated from the mainland Selimpai Sambas regency. Southern side up to the western border with the Natuna Sea, while on its northern side extends to the east surrounded by the River Merabau. So all those who come over here, will find a variety of scenery; there is a pine forest, beach, sea and river. From a distance looks Tanjung Datu, which is the region bordering Malaysia.
Selimpai elongated shape of the island. Between the lines on the lip of the river and the sea is only as wide as a football field. When we stood beside the river, it would seem that the Natuna Sea waves chasing each other. The wind was blowing. The most high-toned waves reaching three to four feet.
The presence of pine forest on the land selimpai make mini island atmosphere is different from other beaches in the district of Sambas. Woody trees that towered the neatly lined up as if someone had deliberately set it in such a way. "It's all natural growth," the story of the coast guard.
Besides experience, the main attraction for Selimpai is, a haven of sea turtles. After a sightseeing tour from island to island, continent to continent, in a year at least five times this protected rare animals come to the island people bunian to spawn.
Based on the Task Force notes Selimpai Coast - from groups of tourism awareness (pokdarwis) Paloh, there are four species of sea turtles that come to this beach. Among them are the green turtle, hawksbill turtle, turtle cracked. While leatherbacks occasionally stop by. Currently in the world there are seven species of sea turtles, six of them exist in Indonesaia. Namely hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate), cracked turtle (Lepidochelys olivaceae), leatherbacks (Dermocelys coriaceae), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead turtle (Caretta carretta), and turtle flat (Natator depresus). For the type of turtle Lepidochelys Kempi life at sea in the Atlantic, particularly the American and Mexican coast.
Among the types of turtles that drop into the Selimpai, hawksbill the most eggs. Every time the ride to the beach, the eggs are removed as many as 65-125 eggs. While the other only the range of tens of grains. Even the little green turtle eggs is a maximum of only nine. "But, eggs (green turtles) as large as a duck egg," said Trino Junaidi, Chairman of the Task Force Coast Pokdarwis Paloh, while talking to this newspaper in Selimpai, last week.
Animals that fall into the category of endangered species, up to the beach to lay eggs at night. Therefore, if visitors do not stay overnight in Selimpai, do not dream to meet a turtle. So that visitors can see turtles, pokdarwis initiative to build on Selimpai breeding. So therefore, every guest who comes to see where the name hatchlings (baby turtles), green turtle, hawksbill, and fission.
The newspaper reporter had traveled at night browse Selimpai Coast. Travel is initiated from the Straits to Cape Mutusan Myrtle. Along the way it does look a fairly large turtle up the beach to lay eggs. Diameter of the shell (body cover) to over one meter in length. After laying eggs that usually reaches 100 points, the turtles back into the sea. Become an unforgettable experience to see the giant turtles rise to the shore and lay their eggs. (Nut)
>> Address / Location: Village Sebubus, District Paloh
>> Area: 200 ha
Ownership >> Status: State Land
Manager >> Name: Civic KSDA
Distance from City Center >> / Travel Time: 7 km from the capital district Paloh or 80 miles from the center of the capital district of Sambas
Condition Object >> Path to Travel: asphalt road to the hamlet Setinggak then by motor boat to the beach Selimpai
Used to >> Transportation / Cost: Using 2 or 4 wheel vehicle to the Hamlet Setinggak, then crossed the Paloh by motor boat for 20 minutes to the beach Selimpai.
Admission >> Price: no charge. (Mursalin / Pontianak Post)
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