Saturday, 21 April 2012

#12 Temajuk Beach

For this post, I want to share the beauty - the beauty of attractions located in the district of Sambas especially Temajuk Coast, which is located in District Paloh. Look like what Temajuk Coast's beauty? let the lyrics below:

Quiet River estuary.

Temajuk village is a village located in the District Paloh which according to the official website of "Public Relations & Sandi PDE Sambas District Secretariat" states that the District is a district Paloh beaches located in the district of Sambas and is located on the border with the State of East Malaysia (Sarawak) with a total area of ​​1697.30 Ha ±, with limits as follows:

* Northern District bordering the South China Sea
* Southern District bordering Galing
* Eastern District adjacent to the Great & Sarawak Sajingan
* Next to the border with the West Natuna Sea

Before Entering Temajuk Coast, before it would Visitor entering, are colored white gate which the gate is a sign that the visitor will enter Temajuk Coast.


Temajuk coast About 120 miles from the town of Sambas, which is the coastal area directly adjacent to the Natuna Sea and East Malaysia.
Temajuk beach Temajuk contained in this village has some very interesting natural beauty to visitors, tourists, uniqueness and its beauty is fascinating for those who visit this beach.

The uniqueness of this beach, is when the Sea receded leaving a vast expanse of sand with a width of about 100-150 meters. But when entering the month of October to February the wind is quite strong and high waves at this beach can reach 2 feet or more. This is the time to do sports or sky diving for those who like to surf and be adept at the sport.

Temajuk beach

If visitors want a different atmosphere of the beach, on the north end of the beach there are beach with a group of stones of various sizes that form a beautiful formation. Some of them are unique in shape with a large enough size. Plus the clear water beach between the rocks. Suitable for swimming, while the feet tread the floor safe sandy beaches that include categories of underwater attractions and beaches of white sand.

The rock formation Form

In addition to its rich with beauty beaches, Temajuk Coast is also rich in sea turtles - turtles that lay their eggs on this coast. Turtles - turtles are not only found on the beach but there are also Temajuk Island Selimpai. Regarding Selimpai Island will be discussed at his next posting.

Children newly hatched turtles

Temajuk the village would Visitor can also visit a pier, the pier Temajuk, Which is a very long pier jutting into the sea.

Dock Temajuk

Saves a lot of beach Temajuk its natural beauty, can be an alternative for readers to visit the place - a beautiful place which is available in our beloved country. In addition to its beaches and rocks that make up the various formations, sea turtle species can also be seen here. below some rocks on the beach beautiful pictures that ane temajuk get from various sources.

Sunset At The Beach Temajuk

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Friday, 13 April 2012

#11 Tanjung Penghujan Beach

Attractions: Cape Coast is one of the rainy beach resort which is currently under development and awaiting the touch of the investors in tourism. On this beach tourists and domestic tourists can witness the wonders of nature while enjoying the natural beauty at sunrise and sunset. Cover the wet beach headland that has an area of ​​about 44.7 hectares, is one alternative for tourists to visit the coastal headlands of the rainy, track to the headland to the beach can be rainy by road by taking the 1.1 / 2 hours or about 16 km journey from Pangkalan Bun, Kotawaringin West, Central Kalimantan.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

#10 Swarangan Beach

Tourists travel destination for a fun watch the sunrise or sunset. One of them is Swarangan Coast. This beach has waves large enough so that it is perfect for people who like to surf.

Sports activities that can be done on this beach, the swimming, fishing, and surfing. Or a simple activity that is relaxing sunbathing on the beach while enjoying coastal scenery.
In addition to the beach panorama, you can also clear up our eyes to see the plant mangrove trees that are still colored or melihatsarana stage entertainment, and public toilets.
Sea water clarity is a tasty main attraction of tourists visiting the area. Where the place visited by the local and foreign tourists at the time of day vacation.
Swarangan beach is located in the Village Swarangan, District Jorong. Can be reached via ground transportation with less mileage lebih52 km from the capital of the Land of the Sea, or about 117 km from the South Kalimantan capital of Banjarmasin.

Unfortunately the beauty of this beach should be stained with extortion of people who are not responsible for the entry charge for everything, I also had been a victim of there with 2 times pay an entrance fee, so be careful for those of you who want to visit there, which must consider the officer and where the thugs ... hehehe, if not like to pay in. 2 times. If I notice there's no government effort to manage this attraction, it is still seen by the still chaotic arrangement of the means of support, especially during the holidays a lot of impromptu stalls and bathrooms that can come about without looking at its layout, so it can be disturbing scene.

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